Market Hours hero

City Index trading hours

Please refer to this page for all market hours updates.

Upcoming holidays

All times listed below are AEDT (GMT+11):

On 27 October, UK Daylight Saving Time will come to an end.

As a result, some markets will experience changes to opening hours until Sunday 3 November.

These changes include:

  • - US Shares will be open from 12:30am until 7am AEDT.
  • - Other instruments (including those in Asia, Australia and US time zones) will open and close one hour earlier AEDT.
  • - US sugar, coffee and cocoa will open as normal and close one hour earlier.
  • - UK Crude Oil and Gas Oil will open at 11am AEDT and close at 9am AEDT from 28 October to 1 November.

All markets will return to normal trading hours from Sunday 3 November.

Market holidays

Please see the table below for further details. All times listed are AEDT.

  • Equities
  • FX
  • Indices
  • Bonds / rates
  • Commodities
  • Metals
  • Bitcoin
Name Mon 3 Feb Tue 11 Feb Mon 17 Feb Mon 24 Feb
Australia normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Austria normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Belgium normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Brazil normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Canada normal hours normal hours NO TRADING normal hours
Denmark normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Finland normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
France normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Germany normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Hong Kong normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Ireland normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Italy normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Japan normal hours NO TRADING normal hours NO TRADING
Mexico NO TRADING normal hours normal hours normal hours
Netherlands normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Norway normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Portugal normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Singapore normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
South Africa normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Spain normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Sweden normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Switzerland normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
United Kingdom normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
United States normal hours normal hours NO TRADING normal hours
Name Mon 3 Feb Tue 11 Feb Mon 17 Feb Mon 24 Feb
FX pairs normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Name Mon 3 Feb Tue 11 Feb Mon 17 Feb Mon 24 Feb
Australia 200 normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
China A50 normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
EU Stocks 50 normal hours normal hours NO TRADING 8AM-10AM ND normal hours
France 40 normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Germany 40 normal hours normal hours NO TRADING 8AM-10AM ND normal hours
Hong Kong 50 & HSCEI normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Italy 40 normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Japan 225 normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
MSCI China A50 Connect normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Netherlands 25 normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Singapore Index normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Spain 35 normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Switzerland 20 normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
UK 100 normal hours normal hours NO TRADING 8AM-10AM ND normal hours
UK 250 normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
US Dollar Index normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
US Small Cap 2000 normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
US SP 500 normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
US Tech 100 normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
Volatility Index normal hours normal hours NO TRADING 3.30AM-10AM ND normal hours
Wall Street normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
Name Mon 3 Feb Tue 11 Feb Mon 17 Feb Mon 24 Feb
3-Month SOFR normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
3mth O/N Stg SONIA normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
BTP Italian Bonds normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Euribor 3mth normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Euro Bobl normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Euro Bund normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Euro Schatz normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
Japanese 10yr normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
UK Long Gilt normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours
US T-Bond & Ultra Bond normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
US T-Note 10Yr normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
US T-Note 2Yr normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
US T-Note 5Yr normal hours normal hours CLOSE 5AM ND normal hours
Name Mon 3 Feb Mon 17 Feb
Canola normal hours NO TRADING
Carbon Emissions (EUA) normal hours normal hours
Coffee C normal hours NO TRADING
Corn normal hours NO TRADING
Cotton No 2 normal hours NO TRADING
Feeder Cattle normal hours NO TRADING
Gas Oil normal hours normal hours
Gas RBOB normal hours CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Heating Oil normal hours CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Iron Ore NO TRADING normal hours
Lean Hogs normal hours NO TRADING
Live Cattle normal hours NO TRADING
London No 7 Cocoa normal hours normal hours
London Wheat normal hours normal hours
MGE Red Wheat normal hours NO TRADING
N.Y. Cocoa normal hours NO TRADING
Natural Gas normal hours CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Oats normal hours NO TRADING
Orange Juice normal hours NO TRADING
Red Wheat normal hours NO TRADING
Robusta Coffee normal hours normal hours
Soybean normal hours NO TRADING
Soybean Meal normal hours NO TRADING
Soybean Oil normal hours NO TRADING
Sugar No. 11 normal hours NO TRADING
Sugar No. 5 normal hours CLOSE 4AM ND
TTF Natural Gas normal hours normal hours
UK Crude Oil normal hours normal hours
US Crude Oil normal hours CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Wheat normal hours NO TRADING
Name Mon 17 Feb
Copper CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Gold CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Palladium CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Platinum CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Silver CLOSE 6.30AM ND
Name Mon 3 Feb Tue 11 Feb Mon 17 Feb Mon 24 Feb
Bitcoin normal hours normal hours normal hours normal hours

Market hours

All times listed below are AEDT(GMT+11):



Available 24 hours a day

From 8:00 AM AEDT Monday until 8:00 AM AEDT Saturday, including most U.S. holidays.

Please be advised of the potential for illiquid market conditions, particularly at the open of the trading week. These conditions may result in wider spreads for some currency pairs based on market illiquidity.



Available 23 hours a day

From 9:00am AEDT Monday through to 8:00am AEDT Saturday

Daily trading breaks occur between 8:00am -9:00am AEDT.


Precious Metals

Available 23 hours a day

From 9:00am AEDT Monday through 8:00am AEDT Saturday

Daily trading breaks occur between 8:00am -9:00am AEDT.

Spot gold and silver trading also follows CME holiday closures.



Available 8-14 hours a day

UK shares from 7:00pm to 3:30am AEDT Monday to Friday

US shares from 12:30am to 7:00am AEDT

We also offer extended hours on key US stocks, enabling you to trade them from 7:00pm to 11:00am AEDT



Available 23 hours a day

From 9:00am AEDT Monday through 8:00am AEDT Saturday

Daily trading breaks occur between 8:00am -9:00am AEDT.

Market hours and holidays are subject to change. The information on this page is maintained regularly, but for the most up-to-date market hours we recommend checking the Market Information section in the trading platform. Please be advised that in times of public holiday, there may be periods of limited liquidity in some markets. Market open and close times will also vary when Daylight Saving periods are in effect.